Pest management with photodynamic inactivation of Botrytis cinerea.


The International Journal of Entomology Research is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes articles in all areas of entomology research and associated fields on a regular basis. The goal of this Journal is to offer a genuine forum for academics and researchers from around the globe to communicate, promote, and discuss a wide range of cutting-edge concepts and advancements in all areas of entomology study. The Journal is open to manuscript submissions that satisfy the general standards of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published soon after they are accepted. Every article that appears in International Journal of Entomology Research has undergone peer review.

The primary difficulty facing agriculture is providing enough food for the world's expanding population. Since the 1960s, agribusiness practises that include excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers are increasingly being blamed for soil, water, and air pollution, as well as the loss of biodiversity in both fauna and flora. Additionally, this industrial agriculture contributes to serious public health issues like infertility, cancer, and congenital defects in children. The European Union introduced the directive 2009/128/EC to minimise the use of pesticides after becoming aware of the necessity to lessen all these severe environmental impacts. Botrytis cinerea is a widespread fungal disease that typically appears on crops growing inside covered structures. It typically appears in open fields and closed structures throughout the winter. High moisture levels are advantageous. Botrytis cinerea is saprophytic, which means it can survive on the remains of dead plants. Mycelia, conidia (for dispersal), and sclerotia are all components of its life cycle (for survival). When the right circumstances arise, mycelia will grow and generate conidia, which will release spores from diseased plant tissues and spread via the wind, water splashes, and mechanical means. Botrytis cinerea frequently targets tissues infected in plants. Usually, infection starts when spores get into a wound that already exists. Temperatures between 8 and 20 °C are a wide range in which spores can grow. A thick, grayish-brown, fluffy mycelium that grows as the illness worsens causes diseased tissue to dry up. After harvest, Botrytis cinerea can also appear. Small, nearly transparent patches are frequently how disease first manifests itself. These diseased areas have a brown colour and seem wet. Fruit, leaves, petals, and succulent stalks that have been infected droop and turn black. Most plants are susceptible to Botrytis blight in their succulent tissue. Azalea, bird of paradise, cacti, coast redwood, fuchsia, giant sequoia, hydrangea, rhododendron, and rose are a few examples of landscape hosts. Only when plants have been constantly moist for six hours or longer, or when relative humidity has been above 90% for six hours or longer, do spores begin to germinate and cause new infections. Botrytis and Botryotinia infections can be an issue practically year-round in greenhouses or outdoors in coastal areas. Away from the coast, grey mould frequently only becomes a problem from late fall to early spring, when it starts to rain. Botrytis blight, however, can affect any plants that receive regular overhead irrigation, particularly those that are grown in crowded, shady environments with poor air circulation. When these hosts are implicated, azalia petal blight, rhododendron petal blight, and camellia petal blight can mimic botrytis blight. Botrytis blight, on the other hand, is a dry rot that also impacts green tissue that is dead or dormant. Only blossoms are infected and killed by azlea, camellia, and rhododendron petal blight.