
Journal of American journal of computer science and Engineering survey an open access rapid peer reviewed journal in the field of agricultural research. It is a bimonthly journal.  Below we discuss about.

Topological Qubit

The implications are far-reaching, from the predicted existence of quasiparticles with non-abelian exchange statistics to novel approaches to quantum computing where the topology of qubit protects it against decoherence.

In recent years, it has been realized that one can design materials with induced p-wave superconducting order by combining conventional superconductors and semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interaction. This exotic superconducting state with broken time-reversal symmetry is known to have localized Majorana Fermions as end states. These are non-local modes predicted to have non-Abelian exchange statistics, meaning that quasiparticle exchange operations act non-trivially on the wavefunction and, in general, do not commute. Furthermore, the quantum state of Majorana modes, represented by the parity of the fermion number, is topologically protected and therefore useful for quantum computation purposes.

In this center we focus on three different platforms of hybrid superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures, designed to support topological superconductivity and to eventually become the basis for topological quantum computation. The semiconducting part are realized in the form of vapor-liquid-solid InAs nanowires, two-dimensional electron gases embedded in InAs/InGaAs heterostructures, and finally selective-area-growth InAs nanowires. All these materials are grown by means of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and directly contacted to an epitaxial Aluminum layer in the MBE chamber without breaking the vacuum, thus guaranteeing the cleanest semiconductor/superconductor interface achievable nowadays.

Starting from these hybrid platforms, we design and investigate sophisticated devices able to observe and manipulate Majorana modes in order to realize scalable topological qubits, which are expected to be ideal candidates to build a fault-tolerant quantum computer.

False color scanning electron micrograph of a Majorana device designed to realize a topological qubit. Blue represents the epitaxial aluminum layer grown on the facets of an InAs nanowire (depicted in green), while the yellow gates (made of titanium and gold) are used to control the device. The scale bar is 1 μm. This is like the effort required to cut a string and reattach the ends to form a different braid, as opposed to a ball (representing an ordinary quantum particle in four-dimensional spacetime) bumping into a wall. the elements of a topological quantum computer originate in a purely mathematical realm, experiments in fractional quantum Hall systems indicate these elements may be created in the real world using semiconductors made of gallium arsenide at a temperature of near absolute zero and subjected to strong magnetic fields. The advantage of a quantum computer based on quantum braids over using trapped quantum particles is that the former is much more stable.

Journal of American journal of computer science and Engineering survey announce papers for the upcoming issue. Interested can submit their manuscript through online portal.

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 Media contact:

Larry Taylor,

Managing Editor

Journal of American journal of computer science and Engineering survey

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